AssetWise ALIM Linear Referencing Services Help

Split At Node

Split At Node allows you to split a datum network element at an existing network node.

Network Elements (Datums or Linear Groups) may need to be 'split' in order to carry out some network maintenance operations. For example, a new route may be added to a network, which does not start at an existing intersection. To ensure network connectivity is maintained, an Element may need to be split to create a new Node Point at which the new intersection will be formed.

The new Elements will retain the Group memberships of the original Element.

Assets located on the Split Element will be re-located and referenced relative to the new Elements.

Split At Node To split at a node, select the datum and the node, then click the Split At Node button in the radial context menu. The Split At Node dialog opens.

Choose the effective date for the split, select the node where the split should occur, and enter data for the Datum 1 and Datum 2 attributes as desired.